Сэргэлэн Аминаа
Хууль зүйн магистр
Бусад хуульч
Бүтээлийн тоо: 1
Бүтээлийн товч үзсэн: 1386
Бүтээл уншсан: 9
Профайл үзсэн: 145
Мэргэжлээрээ ажилласан жил: 2
Мэргэшсэн салбар: Commercial and Corporate Law
- 2016-2021 МУИС-ийн Хууль зүйн сургууль, Олон улсын эрх зүйч
- 2022-2023 Queen mary University of London, Хууль зүйн сургууль, Арилжаа компанийн эрх зүйн магистр
- 2020-2021 УИХ Тамгын газар Хууль зүйн байнгын хороо дадлагажигч
- 2021-2022 Хууль зүй дотоод хэргийн яаманд мэргэжилтэн
- 2024-2025 М Банк хуульч
Ур чадвар, сонирхол, хобби
- Сагсан бөмбөг, Гар бөмбөг, ном унших
Англи, Япон
Бусад хүмүүс
As for, Ms.Aminaa her social skills and organized mindset during the interview were outstanding among the other students. Since 2019, she has successfully participated in regional and global international competitions, to name a few Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Asia - Pacific Arbitration Moot, Foreign Direct Investment Global Round 2020, and Intercollegiate Negotiation Competition 2019 (INC). During the intensive preparation period for these competitions, her fast adaptive skill, diligence, and honesty outweighed and impressed me. She is a dedicated person who always strives for more both personally and academically. Her written work is both precise and concise and enjoyable to read. She has demonstrated leadership skills during her preparation for Intercollegiate Negotiation Competition INC (Japan) which was held in Tokyo, Japan between law schools. She has a team-oriented personality team in delegating the work and does so in a manner where everyone feels heard and comfortable. It is also important to mention her research skills, she is an academic person who is detail-oriented and her research papers were always research-based qualitative materials. She conducted her final dissertation titled “COMPARITIVE STUDY OF THE LEGAL REGULATION OF ELECTRONIC TRANSACTION”, making her one of the top 2 students who get the best score among graduates. The quality of the research work performed during her bachelor's thesis was convincing, and she managed the work to find simple solutions to some challenging problems. Due to her excellent academic performance, I had the pleasure of recommending Aminaa as a candidate to enter one of the most high-demand job positions at The Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs of Mongolia. She was accepted and now is playing her part in the major government department at the heart of the justice system and currently working on completing the draft of the new Investment Law.
Baigal Enkh-Amgalan (Ph.D)
Associate professor, School of Law
National University of Mongolia.
Сэргэлэн Аминаа
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