Бүтээлийн нэр
The shifting perspective of the state immunity doctrine
Эрдэм шинжилгээний өгүүлэл
Олон Улсын хувийн эрх зүй
Бүтээлийн товч
International private law is a relatively new research field in Mongolia due to its former socialist system. As private international law is steadily gaining more attention in the country, the right topic selection for examination was crucial.
On the one hand, with the current exercise of open foreign policy and its enhancing engagement in the international economic integration, the demand of the Mongolian state and its affiliated organizations to enter into relations with foreign legal persons and individuals is continuously increasing. On the other hand, thanks to its abundant natural resources the attraction of foreign investors into the country has just taken place.
Түлхүүр үг
State, state property, absolute theory of state jurisdictional immunity and its property, restrictive theory of jurisdictional immunity of state and its property, types of immunity.
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Санал болгож буй эшлэлийн загвар
В.Оюумаа “The shifting perspective of the state immunity doctrine” (2016), ... дахь/дэх тал. Legaldata-аас унших боломжтой: https://legaldata.mn/b/903
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