Бүтээлийн нэр
Memorial for the applicant of the case concerning questions relating to reintroduction of bears in the international court of justice
Эрдэм шинжилгээний өгүүлэл
Олон Улсын нийтийн эрх зүй
Бүтээлийн товч
Stetson-ны их сургуулиас 24 дэх удаагаа зохион байгуулсан олон улсын хүрээлэн буй орчны эрх зүйн шүүхийн мэтгэлцээний тэмцээнд оролцохдоо Шихихутуг их сургуулийн багийн боловсруулсан нэхэмжлэлийг хүргэж байна. Ховордсон баавгайн төрлийг үржүүлэх төсөл нь улс хоорондын хил дамнасан зөрчлийг үүсгэсэн хэмээн үзсэний улмаас олон улсын шүүхэд тус маргааныг хянан шийдвэрлэж буй кейс юм.
Хэргийн рекордтой дараах холбоосоор орж танилцана уу:
The Federal States of Arctos and the Republic of Ranvicora, hereinafter referred to as “the Parties,” shall submit the questions contained in Annex A of this Special Agreement to the Court pursuant to Article 40, paragraph 1 of the Statute of the International Court of justice. The Parties agree that the Court has jurisdiction to decide this matter The Federal States of Arctos and the Republic of Ranvicora are neighboring sovereign states located on the continent of Suredia in the Northern Hemisphere. Arctos and Ranvicora are considered developed countries, and their economies are diversified across all sectors. Arctos is approximately 570,000 km2, and Ranvicora is approximately 640,000 km2. Arctos is located to the north of Ranvicora.
The area along the 75-km border between the two countries consists primarily of forests and privately owned farms. Arctos does not share a border with any other countries. High-level representatives from Arctos and Ranvicora attended and fully participated in the 1972 United Nations conference on the Human Environment at Stockholm; the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development at Rio de Janeiro; the 2002 World Summit on ustainable Development at Johannesburg; and the 2012 Rio+20 Conference at Rio de Janeiro. Arctos and Ranvicora were part of the consensus of any documents adopted at these onferences. The grey bear (Ursus smokeysius) is a species that is endemic to parts of Suredia. The grey bear is similar to the brown bear in size and appearance. The grey bear is listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, on Appendix II of the Bern Convention, and on Appendix I of CMS. The Federal States of Arctos seeks an order from the ICJ declaring that (1) the Republic of Ranvicora violated international law with respect to its grey bear reintroduction project, and (2) the Federal States of Arctos did not violate international law with respect to its responses to Ranvicora’s reintroduction of grey bears.
Хэргийн рекордтой дараах холбоосоор орж танилцана уу:
The Federal States of Arctos and the Republic of Ranvicora, hereinafter referred to as “the Parties,” shall submit the questions contained in Annex A of this Special Agreement to the Court pursuant to Article 40, paragraph 1 of the Statute of the International Court of justice. The Parties agree that the Court has jurisdiction to decide this matter The Federal States of Arctos and the Republic of Ranvicora are neighboring sovereign states located on the continent of Suredia in the Northern Hemisphere. Arctos and Ranvicora are considered developed countries, and their economies are diversified across all sectors. Arctos is approximately 570,000 km2, and Ranvicora is approximately 640,000 km2. Arctos is located to the north of Ranvicora.
The area along the 75-km border between the two countries consists primarily of forests and privately owned farms. Arctos does not share a border with any other countries. High-level representatives from Arctos and Ranvicora attended and fully participated in the 1972 United Nations conference on the Human Environment at Stockholm; the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development at Rio de Janeiro; the 2002 World Summit on ustainable Development at Johannesburg; and the 2012 Rio+20 Conference at Rio de Janeiro. Arctos and Ranvicora were part of the consensus of any documents adopted at these onferences. The grey bear (Ursus smokeysius) is a species that is endemic to parts of Suredia. The grey bear is similar to the brown bear in size and appearance. The grey bear is listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, on Appendix II of the Bern Convention, and on Appendix I of CMS. The Federal States of Arctos seeks an order from the ICJ declaring that (1) the Republic of Ranvicora violated international law with respect to its grey bear reintroduction project, and (2) the Federal States of Arctos did not violate international law with respect to its responses to Ranvicora’s reintroduction of grey bears.
Түлхүүр үг
Олон улсын хүрээлэн буй орчны эрх зүй, Ховордсон төрөл зүйл, Хил дамнасан зөрчил, Олон улсын шүүх, Олон улсын шүүхийн нэхэмжлэл, Гаагийн шүүх
Бичигдсэн огноо
Хуудсын тоо
Байршуулсан огноо
Товч мэдээлэл үзсэн
Бүрэн эхээр нь үзсэн
Эшлэлийн тоо
Санал болгож буй эшлэлийн загвар
“Memorial for the applicant of the case concerning questions relating to reintroduction of bears in the international court of justice” (2019), ... дахь/дэх тал.
Legaldata-аас унших боломжтой: https://legaldata.mn/b/708
Цуглуулганд нэмэх
Бүтээлийг цуглуулгандaa нэмэхийн тулд нэвтэрсэн байх шаардлагатай.
Бүртгэлтэй бол нэвтрэх | Бүртгэлгүй бол бүртгүүлэх
Бүртгэлтэй бол нэвтрэх | Бүртгэлгүй бол бүртгүүлэх

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