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АНУ-ын захиргааны эрх зүйн захиргааны хэм хэмжээ тогтоох үйл ажиллагаа
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Захиргааны эрх зүй
Бүтээлийн товч
In US administrative law, administrative rulemaking refers to the process of adopting generally binding rules as a means for administrative agencies to exercise their statutory authorities. First of all, I would like to emphasize that administrative norm-setting is not a new phenomenon. In this research work, it was intended to study and evaluate the activities of setting the norms of administrative law in the United States by expanding the sub-topics in each process and stage. Administrative norms are sometimes interpreted together with rules and regulations. Unlike judicial decisions, which can be applied retroactively and are limited in scope, administrative rulemaking (Rulemaking) performs a legislative function, a broad concept used to implement prospective policies. Also, e-government rulemaking (also known as eRulemaking and e-rulemaking) is the use of digital technology by government agencies in the US lawmaking and decision-making process. Detailed research on this topic is rare, so it is necessary to conduct research on this topic.
Түлхүүр үг
Rulemaking, Informal rulemaking, ERulemaking, Notice and comment, Public participation
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С.Золзаяа “АНУ-ын захиргааны эрх зүйн захиргааны хэм хэмжээ тогтоох үйл ажиллагаа” (2023), ... дахь/дэх тал. Legaldata-аас унших боломжтой: https://legaldata.mn/b/2144
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