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蒙古国自由贸易区的法律改革 - The legal reform of Mongolian free trade zone
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Since 1990 the development of the democratic revolution, the Mongolia began the transition to the free market is experiencing gains and losses. However, in twenty-first Century, we how to synchronize with the trend of the world economy? Mining industry and underground resources. But we since 1995, concider to try localization has become typical of development of the world, the so-called international free trade zone.
We have chosen this way and put a lot of time and money, so far, not up to what is the main reason for the original purpose? The biggest reason is the legal environment. Other countries in the world to set up a free trade area, has been concerned and is still concerned about the field of law. This research work is divided into five chapters.
Түлхүүр үг
Free Trade Zone Law Foreign Investment Law Mongolia Comparative Study Bank Loans Social Insurance
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Ц.Мөнхсайхан “蒙古国自由贸易区的法律改革 - The legal reform of Mongolian free trade zone” (2017), ... дахь/дэх тал. Legaldata-аас унших боломжтой: https://legaldata.mn/b/345
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