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Compensation under international investment treaty, regulations of Mongolia
Эрдэм шинжилгээний өгүүлэл
Арилжаа & Бизнесийн эрх зүй,
Арбитр & Эвлэрүүлэн зуучлал
Бүтээлийн товч
One of the most significant issue in international investment law is a legal framework on investment dispute damages and compensation regarding to the expropriation. Investment treaties allow covered foreign investors to bring claims that a host state has breached the treaty to international arbitration. If the arbitral tribunal concludes that the host state has breached the treaty, it will order the host state to compensate the investor.
The legal principles governing compensation - and the way tribunals have interpreted and applied these principles - determine the amount the host state must pay. In this way, the principles governing compensation have direct, practical implications for states, investors, and other participants in the investment treaty regime.
Arbitral jurisprudence on compensation has developed over the past two decades, driven by the rapid growth of investment treaty arbitration. In other areas where arbitral jurisprudence has evolved in unexpected direction--for example, in the case of expansive interpretations of fair and equitable treatment provision--states have responded by reconsidering the drafting and inclusion of such provisions in their treaties. However, the issue of compensation has not received the same attention. Because arbitral jurisprudence on compensation can be technical, an impression seems to have developed that questions of compensation are best left to arbitrators.
The principles governing compensation are too important to be left to arbitrators. Hundreds of millions - or even billion - of dollars are often at stake. States should consider whether existing jurisprudence governing compensation reflects the way they intended the investment treaty system to function. If it does not, they should consider options for reform .
The purpose of this study is to define grounds for claiming compensation, clarify compensation types related to the expropriation in international investment law, compare modern trends of regulations related to compensation, calculation method of compensation, study cases related to Mongolia, find a solution to the challenging issues in international investment law compensation.
The legal principles governing compensation - and the way tribunals have interpreted and applied these principles - determine the amount the host state must pay. In this way, the principles governing compensation have direct, practical implications for states, investors, and other participants in the investment treaty regime.
Arbitral jurisprudence on compensation has developed over the past two decades, driven by the rapid growth of investment treaty arbitration. In other areas where arbitral jurisprudence has evolved in unexpected direction--for example, in the case of expansive interpretations of fair and equitable treatment provision--states have responded by reconsidering the drafting and inclusion of such provisions in their treaties. However, the issue of compensation has not received the same attention. Because arbitral jurisprudence on compensation can be technical, an impression seems to have developed that questions of compensation are best left to arbitrators.
The principles governing compensation are too important to be left to arbitrators. Hundreds of millions - or even billion - of dollars are often at stake. States should consider whether existing jurisprudence governing compensation reflects the way they intended the investment treaty system to function. If it does not, they should consider options for reform .
The purpose of this study is to define grounds for claiming compensation, clarify compensation types related to the expropriation in international investment law, compare modern trends of regulations related to compensation, calculation method of compensation, study cases related to Mongolia, find a solution to the challenging issues in international investment law compensation.
Түлхүүр үг
compensation, investment, international investment treaty, expropriation, nationalization, confiscation, challenging issues, protection of investment,
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“Compensation under international investment treaty, regulations of Mongolia” (2021), ... дахь/дэх тал.
Legaldata-аас унших боломжтой: https://legaldata.mn/b/1436
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- https://www.iisd.org/publications/compensation-under-investment-treaties
- https://icsid.worldbank.org/sites/default/files/publications/ICSID_AR20_CRA_Web.pdf
- https://icsid.worldbank.org/sites/default/files/publications/annual-report/en/ICSID_AR19_CRA_Web_Low_DD.pdf
- E.Baigal, International Investment Law. Ulaanbaatar 2017., p 128.
- https://investmentpolicy.unctad.org/
- In most cases: Most Favored Nation treatment /MFN/ clause, Fair and Equitable Treatment /FET/ clause, Non-discrimination clause, Umbrella clause.
- Includes nationalization, expropriation, confiscation.
- Case of Khan resources v. Mongolia 2011.
- https://jusmundi.com/en/document/wiki/en-indirect-expropriation
- The International Law Commission has observed that "the payment of the agreed compensation necessarily depends on the circumstances in each case and in particular on the expropriating State's resources and actual capacity to pay; even in the case of 'partial' compensation, very few States have in practice been in a sufficiently strong economic and financial position to be able to pay the agreed compensation immediately and in full."
- https://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/8fbd4a65-c979-4cbc-858f-ca27677d30e7/Mongolia+Investment+Reform+Map+2018.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID=mnSnUQT
- http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/338111547043476257/pdf/130036-Mongolia-Investment-Reform-Map-final-2019-MON.pdf
- https://www.iisd.org/publications/compensation-under-investment-treaties
- This was the largest of several related claims arising out of the nationalization of Yukos, in which a total of USD 50 billion was awarded.
- Article 5.31 of Trade And Cooperation Agreement Between The European Union And The European Atomic Energy Community, Of The One Part, And The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland, Of The Other Part, Draft of Italian Republic Investment Agreement
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