Бүтээлийн нэр
Current problematic legal issues related to the international investment law (an appellate body for international investment disputes and jurisdiction of the arbitration)
Эрдэм шинжилгээний өгүүлэл
Олон Улсын нийтийн эрх зүй
Бүтээлийн товч
Through this paper, I am attempting to illustrate and to answer some questions put in front of myself that why do states endeavor to establish new investment dispute settlement mechanisms such as Multilateral Investment Court in European Union and Investment Dispute Settlement Mechanism of the One Belt-One Road Initiative? Do we really still need an international central body for settling investment disputes like ICSID? What is the current problem and possible solutions for the crisis within Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanisms? Is it necessary to establish an Appellate Body for International Investment Disputes? In order to answer those questions, the paper will be covering the problems and possible solutions for the crisis within Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanism. In the final section of this paper, I want to ascertain the points whether investment agreement is one type of the state contract (especially in the French “contrat administratif” concept) or not, if yes, whether it is possible to use arbitration for disputes, arising from administrative contract or not.
Тус өгүүллээр хөрөнгө оруулалтын маргаан шийдвэрлэх арбитрын ажиллагаанд тулгарч буй орчин үеийн асуудлууд болох ICSID-ийн асуудал болон боломжит арга, арбитрын журамд давж заалдах ажиллагаа байж болох эсэх гаргалгаа, Хятадын нэг бүс нэг замын хөрөнгө оруулалтын маргааны арбитрын журмын асуудлуудыг хөндөн судалсан болно.
Түлхүүр үг
Investment law, International Investment Law, An Appellate Body for International Investment Disputes, Chinese Foreign Investment Law, Investment Agreement, Administrative Contract and State Contract.
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Санал болгож буй эшлэлийн загвар
М.Болор-Эрдэнэ “Current problematic legal issues related to the international investment law (an appellate body for international investment disputes and jurisdiction of the arbitration)” (2018), ... дахь/дэх тал. Legaldata-аас унших боломжтой: https://legaldata.mn/b/458
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