The world is focusing on global warming and globalization, and is racing to figure out how to deal with it. At this time, Mongolians have described our traditional nomadic way of life as the most environmentally friendly, rational, and intelligent way of life. That's why we are still in the spotlight of travelers around the world. But in other parts of the world, it is difficult to distinguish one country from another. In many ways, the world is the same. For example, well-known brands of clothing, shops, water, coffee, hotels and cars that you have visited in any country in the world. In fact, there are less and less things you don't know, don't know, and are interested in. But most travelers still want to experience surprises, surprises and new things. As a result, the world is moving towards local-based tourism trends in developing countries. However, it is possible to develop this type of tourism in Mongolia. Nomadic customs, vast lands and winter are all future trends in world tourism. Therefore, we now need to develop and implement a correct, comprehensive and integrated policy for tourism development.
Трэндүүд, Аялал жуулчлал, Аялал, Хөгжил, Монгол
Бүртгэлтэй бол нэвтрэх | Бүртгэлгүй бол бүртгүүлэх
[1] E. Gurgemjav, Tourism Marketing, 2017Government Resolution No. 324 of 2015 appendix to the resolution.
[2] D.Gansukh, "Challenges and solutions in the tourism sector", 2017
[3] S.Bayasgalan, “Tourism Of Tourism And Mining Exports Will Be Equal To 2050, 2019
[4] Sh.Nergui, “Global tourism development trends are developing based on the lifestyle of local people" 2019
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