Бүтээлийн нэр
The balance between prohibition against expropriation and the host state’s right to regulate for public welfare (China and Mongolia compared) 禁止征收与东道国为公共福利进行管制的权利之间的平衡(中国与蒙古的比较)
Магистрын ажил
Иргэний процессын эрх зүй, Арбитр & Эвлэрүүлэн зуучлал
Бүтээлийн товч
International investment agreements include crucial protections of foreign investment. One of them is the prohibition against expropriation. The expropriation protection allows the state to protect its public interest issues with appropriate and reasonable compensation by denying the protection which was offered to the foreign investor.

Moreover, the international investment law recognizes the state sovereignty and the state right to regulate within their territory. The international investment agreements declare that if the state adopts the reasonable, necessary regulation related to protection of public health, safety, morals or welfare, or non-discriminatory, and within the commonly accepted norms and police powers of state, the state has no duty to compensation for breaching the concluded contract’s provisions related to protection of the foreign investment and prohibition against expropriation.

But, sometimes the enjoyment of state regulatory power may cause foreign investors to file a claim against a neutral third-party ruling through an arbitral tribunal, which may result in enforceable awards in favor of foreign investors with an amount of compensation. Even the state’s action of the failure is related to the protection the environment or human health, to maintain sustainable development, to cope with financial sever crises, or to provide its population with basic utilities, which may be linked with the idea of public interest or public welfare.

Thus, through this thesis, I attempt to illustrate what the state right to regulate is, how to distinguish between the indirect expropriation with compensation and without compensation, and how to draw the balancing line between the prohibition against expropriation and the state right to regulate in investment treaties and arbitral practice.
To address this problem, this thesis deals some possible solutions, which are the substantive approach, the procedural approach, including police power doctrine, sole effect doctrine, and proportionality test, and the national pre-examining mechanism.

Энэхүү магистрын дипломын ажлаар төрийн засаглал тогтоох эрх гэж юу болох, нөхөн олговортой болон нөхөн олговоргүйгээр гадаадын хөрөнгө оруулагчийн өмч, хөрөнгийг албадан хураах зохицуулалтын талаар, мөн өмч, хөрөнгийг албадан хураан авах зохицуулалт ба төрийн засаглал тогтоох эрхийн харилцан хамаарлыг олон улсын болон дотоодын эрх зүйд хэрхэн зохицуулж буйг холбогдох хууль тогтоомж, хөрөнгө оруулалтын гэрээнүүд, арбитрын практик, шүүхийн шийдвэрүүдийг дүн шинжилгээ хийх замаар тодруулсан болно.
Түлхүүр үг
International Investment law, Protection of the foreign investment, the Right to regulate, Prohibition against expropriation
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М.Болор-Эрдэнэ “The balance between prohibition against expropriation and the host state’s right to regulate for public welfare (China and Mongolia compared) 禁止征收与东道国为公共福利进行管制的权利之间的平衡(中国与蒙古的比较)” (2019), ... дахь/дэх тал. Legaldata-аас унших боломжтой: https://legaldata.mn/b/879
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