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Judicial Index Mongolia 2021
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Open Society Forum is a national non-governmental organization that has been operating since 2004 to build stakeholder capacity and facilitate meaningful, inclusive and informed policy dialogues based on quality research. In support of justice reform, the Forum has contributed to the establishment of a legal aid system for providing free legal assistance to indigent defendants and alleviating the legal empowerment of citizens, and since 2008, the justice portfolio has been focused on strategic objectives to strengthen judicial independence and promote criminal justice reform.
In the past, Open Society Forum has continuously implemented activities such as creating external research and analysis capabilities within the justice sector, ensuring informed and meaningful participation of stakeholders in developing and implementing judicial reform policies, advocating research-based policies, and providing necessary technical assistance and support.
Many factors, such as constitutional limitations, the centralization of judicial appointment powers, a lack of budget support, a high risk of political influence, and a weak accountability system have been the reasons for the weak effectiveness of the ongoing judicial reforms of the last decade. Although changes have been made to the legislation to address these issues, there are many difficulties in the implementation, and a risk of losing the original concept of the reform is imminent. Therefore, to analyze the reform process and results and provide an actual and measurable assessment, the Open Society Forum initiated and carried out the Judicial index study in cooperation with the Intellectual Innovation Non-Governmental Organization, a legal research NGO.
The index study, which showcases the evaluations of the judiciary via six key dimensions based on public and expert opinions and statistical data comparable in biannual sequence, was developed by comparing various international indexes and similar assessment methodologies and reflecting the opinions and recommendations of leading experts and specialists in the field.
In the past, Open Society Forum has continuously implemented activities such as creating external research and analysis capabilities within the justice sector, ensuring informed and meaningful participation of stakeholders in developing and implementing judicial reform policies, advocating research-based policies, and providing necessary technical assistance and support.
Many factors, such as constitutional limitations, the centralization of judicial appointment powers, a lack of budget support, a high risk of political influence, and a weak accountability system have been the reasons for the weak effectiveness of the ongoing judicial reforms of the last decade. Although changes have been made to the legislation to address these issues, there are many difficulties in the implementation, and a risk of losing the original concept of the reform is imminent. Therefore, to analyze the reform process and results and provide an actual and measurable assessment, the Open Society Forum initiated and carried out the Judicial index study in cooperation with the Intellectual Innovation Non-Governmental Organization, a legal research NGO.
The index study, which showcases the evaluations of the judiciary via six key dimensions based on public and expert opinions and statistical data comparable in biannual sequence, was developed by comparing various international indexes and similar assessment methodologies and reflecting the opinions and recommendations of leading experts and specialists in the field.
Түлхүүр үг
Judicial Index guide, Judicial Index indicators, Judicial power and independence, Judicial openness and transparency, Judicial infrastructure and resources, Ethics and accountability of judges, Effectiveness of the judicial performance
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“Judicial Index Mongolia 2021” (2022), ... дахь/дэх тал.
Legaldata-аас унших боломжтой: https://legaldata.mn/b/1902
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