Бүтээлийн нэр
The availability and scope of Judicial review of Administrative action (comparative study Mongolia and US) захиргааны актад шүүхийн хяналт тавих боломж ба цар хүрээ (АНУ-Монголын харьцуулсан судалгаа)
Магистрын ажил
Захиргааны эрх зүй, Шүүх эрх мэдэл
Бүтээлийн товч
10 жилийн өмнө 2007 онд бичсэн мастерын зэрэг хамгаалахад шаардагдах ажил /судалгааны мастерын програм биш кредит суурилсан програм/

I. Introduction 2
A. Mongolia: contemporary legal system 3
B. United States: the historical foundation of administrative law 3
II. Scope of administrative law 6
A. Mongolia 6
1. The Constitution 6
2. Substantive laws 7
3. Law on Procedure for administrative case 8
B. United States 15
1. The Constitution 15
2. Substantive laws 16
3. The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) 18
4. Judge made – common law and case law 18
5. Distinguishing a state administrative law from federal 20
III. Adjudicative bodies: courts and administrative tribunals as trier of administrative case and dispute 21
1. Mongolia 21
a) The Constitutional Tsets (court) 21
b) The Supreme Court 22
c) The Administrative Court 23
2. United States 24
a) Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) 24
b) Administrative tribunals and specialized courts 26
c) Federal Judiciary: courts of general jurisdiction – Trial (district) and Appellate (circuit) 29
IV. Administrative agency & its action (as subject of judicial review) 30
1. Federal administrative agencies and … 30
The President of the United 32
Department of Agriculture 32
African Development Foundation 32
Independent Establishments and Government Corporations 32
Quasi-Official Agencies: Legal Services Corporation, Smithsonian Institution, State Justice, 32
United States Institute of Peace, Selected Multilateral Organizations, Selected Bilateral Organizations 32
a) Cabinet Departments and bureau or administration of Department 33
b) Independent executive agencies 33
c) Independent regulatory commissions 34
d) Other forms of public administration – quasi-public bodies 36
2. Agency action: Rules versus Individual acts 37
a) Rule & rulemaking 38
b) Order & adjudication 41
(1) Investigation 43
3. Government contract (an improper award …) 44
V. Judicial review of administrative action: availability and scope 45
A. Availability of judicial review of administrative action 45
1. Method of obtaining judicial review 46
2. Timing of judicial review 47
3. Reviewability of administrative action 48
4. Standing 50
B. Scope of judicial review 52
1. The Non-delegation Doctrine 53
2. Question of law (scope of review of issues of legal interpretation) 54
a) Under the Chevron doctrine 54
b) Outside of the Chevron doctrine 57
c) Judicial review of non-statutory legal issue 57
3. Question of fact (scope of review of factual issues) 57
a) Formal proceedings and “Substantial evidence” 58
b) De Novo review (or independent judgment) 59
c) Informal proceedings and “Arbitrary & Capricious” 59
4. Question of discretion and policy (scope of review of agency’s discretional issues) 60
VI. Conclusion 63
Түлхүүр үг
judicial review, administrative act, administrative litigation, administrative law, administrative court, administrative agency
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Ц.Цогт “The availability and scope of Judicial review of Administrative action (comparative study Mongolia and US) захиргааны актад шүүхийн хяналт тавих боломж ба цар хүрээ (АНУ-Монголын харьцуулсан судалгаа)” (2007), ... дахь/дэх тал. Legaldata-аас унших боломжтой: https://legaldata.mn/b/245
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