Болдхуягийн Пүрэвсүрэн

Хууль зүйн магистр

Бүтээлийн тоо: 11

Бүтээлийн товч үзсэн: 38310

Бүтээл уншсан: 1152

Профайл үзсэн: 7369

Мэргэжлээрээ ажилласан жил: 9

Мэргэшсэн салбар: Specializing in constitutional law, press freedom and investigative journalism


  • 2024 Master of Laws (LL.M) Pennsylvania State University
  • 2019 Master of Laws (LL.M), Law School, National University of Mongolia
  • Thesis: Implementation of the right to publish and its current legal challenges in Mongolia
  • 2018 Advanced Diploma Course on Journalist, The Press Institute of Mongolia
  • 2017 Bachelor of Arts, written English, University of Humanities of Mongolia
  • 2015 Bachelor of Laws (LL.B), Law School, National University of Mongolia


  • Professional Experience
  • January 2019 – Present Staff Lawyer at the Globe International Center, a prominent civil society organization defending freedom of expression in Mongolia
  • May 2018 – January 2019 Legal Officer at Concession Division, National Development Agency, Government of Mongolia
  • January 2015 – May 2018 Legal Specialist at the Mongolian Bar Association
  • Part time Lawyer and Teacher
  • September 2022 – Present Teacher at the University of Finance and Economic and Global Leadership University of the Mongolia
  • • Theory of Law, Theory of State, and Mongolian State and Legal Historical Traditions
  • September 2020 – Present Legal Executive from to Legal Advisor, at the Filmbridge LLC


  • 2022 Member of the Civil Society Council under the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia;
  • 2022 Member of the Open Information Implementation Council under the Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs of Mongolia;
  • 2021 Member of the Lead Alumni Association;
  • 2020 Member of the Mongolian Advocate Association;
  • 2019 Member of the Mongolian Association of State Alumni;
  • 2017 Member of the Mongolian Bar Association (passed bar in September 2017; granted license to practice law at the courts of Mongolia in December 2018)

Гадаад хэл
